Everything You Need to Know About Herbal Incense

In e-cigarettes and other devices, synthetic cannabinoids are either sprayed on dried, shredded plant material for smoking or sold as liquids that can be vaporized and inhaled. Herbal incense or liquid incense is also known as these products.

Due to their similarity to chemicals found in marijuana plants, these chemicals are called cannabinoids. Often, synthetic cannabinoids are marketed as safe, legal alternatives to synthetic marijuana (or fake weed) because of this similarity. Their effects may be unpredictable and, in some cases, more dangerous than marijuana; they can affect the brain much more powerfully than marijuana.

A class of drugs called new psychoactive substances includes synthetic cannabinoids (NPS). These unregulated mind-altering substances are available on the market now and are supposed to have the same effects as illegal drugs. It’s possible that some of these substances have been around for years, but they’ve re-entered the market in altered chemical forms, or they’re just popular again.

Synthetic marijuana or herbal incense is dangerous trends that are marketed as natural and safe. The fact is that it is not natural or safe in any way. Typically, these drugs are sold as liquids or as shredded plant material sprayed with mind-altering chemicals. As well as being rolled into smoking papers or inhaled through an e-cig or vaporizer, plant material can also be made into a tea for consumption.

How Does It Compare To Marijuana?

The only thing that real marijuana and synthetic marijuana have in common is that they both contain cannabinoids. Herbal incense, however, produces a much more profound effect on the brain than the ones found in other natural products. It is often unknown what chemicals are being used and their effects can be unpredictable, even fatal. Unlike natural cannabinoids like THC, synthetic cannabinoids in these products bind to a significantly higher number of receptors in the brain.

There are more than 100 synthetic cannabinoids on the market today, but most of them have not been extensively tested. As they were initially created for use with animals and cells, not humans, there is only preliminary information about how much damage they may cause to the brain. A combination of up to ten chemicals can be used in incense, but there is no information about what chemicals are used or in what quantities. Herbal incense containing rat poison has been reported to cause life-threatening bleeding.

What Are The Legal Ramifications?

There is currently no legal restriction on the purchase of synthetic marijuana. In part, this is because there are so many variations that it is difficult to legislate against them. JWH-018, JWH-073, JWH-200, CP-47,497, and cannabicyclohexanol were all designated Schedule 1 drugs by the Drug Enforcement Administration in 2011, making their use in herbal drugs illegal. This status became permanent in 2012.

Synthetic marijuana manufacturers and retailers stay one step ahead of legislation by constantly altering the chemical composition of their products, including K2, Kush, Klimax, and Spice.

What Are The Side Effects?

Synthetic marijuana has been observed to cause the following reactions:

  • Bleeding
  • Catatonia
  • Chest pain
  • Convulsions
  • Death
  • Extreme psychosis
  • Heart damage
  • Hypertension
  • Kidney injury
  • Seizures
  • Stroke

Fast heartbeats, prolonged vomiting, headaches, and irritability are also possible adverse effects. As a result of the effects of synthetic cannabinoids on the brain, dependence and withdrawal are much more likely.

Herbal incense was never linked to deaths before the DEA listed some of the most common synthetic cannabinoids as Schedule 1 drugs in 2011. The use of synthetic marijuana was responsible for approximately 20 deaths between 2011 and 2014, while marijuana was not responsible for any deaths.

As more people attempt to make money selling K2, Spice, etc., the number of overdoses and deaths can increase.

The Use of Herbal Incense

It is possible to use herbal incense in a variety of ways to achieve relaxation and mood relief.  The traditional method of burning incense, as well as rolling and smoking it, is used by some.  Although it is clearly stated that it is not for consumption by humans, there are still a great many people who will find their specific preference for it.  It is common for incense users not to roll wholesale herbal potpourri if they are buying it wholesale.  The potpourri is still burned the same way it has always been.

Incense made from herbal plants is always used for one main purpose: to promote feelings of well-being.  There’s nothing more relaxing than sensual herbal blends burning in a potpourri urn, or the aroma of exotic fruits wafting in the air.  A person’s motivation for burning herbal incense will always depend on what they hope to gain from it.  Some people want to get that euphoric feeling legally, while others just want a relaxing aroma drifting throughout their homes.  With that in mind, declaring how one will use herbal incense over another can sometimes be a difficult task.

Herbal Incense for Medical Purposes

Aromatherapy is without a doubt one of the best ways to reduce stress.  This is where herbal incense comes in handy.  You can use the benefits combined to overcome some medical conditions that are caused by thoughts alone.  As a psychological disorder, depression may be eased by something as simple as herbal incense, which offers mood-altering emotional states.

There is no factual evidence that proves this works, but it is still practiced in the Far East to ward off infections.  Cold symptoms are among the most common reasons to use herbal incense within aromatherapy practices.  Using eucalyptus or menthol incense can ease throat discomfort and clear clogged sinuses.  Since these products have been around for quite a while, there are a variety of practical ways to use them.

Management of Pain

Studies have shown that certain herbal incense can help individuals with certain diseases, such as fibromyalgia, manage their pain.  For calming and removing the mind from what is causing the pain, floral buds are burned or blended with aromatic oils.

Sleep Deprivation Ailments and Herbal Incense

Lavender, saffron grass, and musky, woodsier incense products are often used to induce sleep by people suffering from bouts of insomnia due to their soothing properties.

Though herbal incense offers a variety of benefits, the good far outweighs the bad. The wonders of herbal incense are still being explored, and there are always going to be those who take advantage of its wonderful benefits.  Those who buy herbal incense online are looking for top-of-the-line products that can provide them with an exhilarating experience without stress, anxiety, tension, or other negative effects.

What Is the Treatment for Overdoses?

In just a few days in 2018, over 100 people were treated at hospitals in the Washington, DC area for synthetic marijuana overdoses. Five hundred and ninety-seven people were treated for overdoses by DC Fire in 2016. Overdose patients usually receive intravenous fluids, sedation, and a calm, quiet environment. Treatment was also complicated by withdrawal symptoms that exacerbated underlying issues.

Here’s How You Can Get Help

The knowledgeable and caring staff at K2 Spray on Paper can help you understand the signs of synthetic marijuana abuse and what you can do about it. While addressing the reasons behind misuse and dependency, they provide education and treatment.